CD block ASPI plugin version 1.0 The archive should contain two plugins. The first plugin (CD_block_ASPI_plugin_v1.0A.dll) uses the new emulation core. This core was intented to be more compatible than the old one used in the old ISO plugin. In practice it allows to run games that the old plugin couldn't start, but some games that Weren't playable with the old plugin are now playable.. Just try the two plugins when you test a game. The second plugin (CD_block_ASPI_plugin_v1.0B.dll) uses the old emulation core with the new ASPI interface. Use it for example with panzer dragoon which hangs up when using the A version of the core. Those plugins don't implement all the functions of the CD block. Don't expect them to be highly compatible. Those plugins can: -use your ASPI compatible devices to read saturn CDs -automatically set the SMPC country code Those plugins don't: -play audio tracks. Communication between SCSP and CD block plugins is not yet implemented. 5/11/2003: CD block ASPI plugin version 1.0 A&B** -initial release Fabien